2015-02-02 11:57 来源:职业培训教育网整理
base n. 底,基础,基地v. 根据,基于(be based on/upon:基于);
basic adj. 基本的,基础的,主要的,首要的;
basis n.基础,基本,根据(on the basis of/ 以……为基础);
basketball n. 篮球;
battle n. 战役(指大规模会战),战争;
be v. 是,就是;在,存在 aux.v. [与动词的现在分词连用,构成各种进行时态]; [与及物动词的过去分词连用,构成被动语态]e.g. The bridge was built in 1982./这桥建于1982年。[与动词不定式连用,表示职责、义务、意图、约定、可能性等] e.g. I am to visit Mr. Green tomorrow./我明天要去拜访格林先生…[用于表示虚拟语气]e.g. If I were you,……/假如我是你的话……
bear n.熊v. (bore,borne)负担,忍受,生产(农作物或水果)(bear… in mind/牢记…在心 ) (bear - endure-stand - tolerate/忍受)
beat v. 打,敲,击败,【音】打(拍子),(心脏等)跳动(heart beats. /心脏跳动;beat sb. /战胜……;beat time/打拍子 ;a heartbeat /心跳声);
beautiful adj.美丽的,很好的;(beautiful -pretty - handsome -lovely -good-looking - smart/美丽的,漂亮的)
beauty n. 美,美丽,美人(beauty art/ 美容术,化妆术;beauty contest/选美会;
because conj. 因为 (because 引导从句,而 because of 引导名词性短语,如:I do it because I like it. /我做这件事是因为我喜欢;He eats because of greed,not hunger. 他不是因为饿了,而是因为贪嘴才吃的。);
become (became,become) v. 变为,成为,适合;
bed n. 床,(苗)床,(花)坛(make one's bed/整理床铺;go to bed/上床,上床睡觉;single [double] bed/单人[双人]床;lie in bed/躺在床上);
bedroom n. 卧室,寝室;
bee n. 蜂,蜜蜂,忙碌的人;
beef n. 牛肉;
beer n. 啤酒,一份啤酒before adv.在前,以前;prep.在……之前;conj.在……之前 (the day before yesterday /前天 );
(A级) beforehand adv. 事先,预先;beforehand = in advance begin:(began,begun,beginning) v.开始,首先( begin to do sth./开始……;to begin with/首先;
beginner n. 初学者;
beginning n. 开始,起点,开端部分 adj. 初等的,初级的( at the beginning/从一开始;at the beginning of/在……初;from beginning to end;in the beginning/当初,开始时);
behalf n. 利益,代表 (on behalf of/代表,为了;on sb.'s behalf/以某人的名义,代表某人);
behavior n.举止,行为;
behind prep. 在…后面;向…后面;
being (be的现在分词)n. 存在,存在物(a human being/人;for the time being/暂时,目前);
belief (pl. beliefs) n. (宗教)信仰, 信心,信条(have a strong belief in sth. /虔诚地信仰……; beyond belief/令人难以置信);
believe v. 相信,信任,认为,想 (believe sb. /信任某人;believe in/信仰,信任;believe it or not/信不信由你);
belong v. 属于(to),合适,对…合适或有用(belong to/属于);
below prep. 在…的下面,低于… adv. 在较低处,在下面(be below [sb.,sth.]低于,级别低于(某人) );
beneath adv.在……之下prep.在……之下,紧靠着……的底下;
(B级)beneficial adj. 有利[益]的(to),受益的(be beneficial to/ 有益于);beneficial = profitable